So how was everybody's Christmas? Mine was so wonderful! It was a two day event. We did our usual tradition. Christmas Eve with Scott's family, Christmas Day with mine. We started early Christmas Eve morning. I cooked Scott and I a special little breakfast then we got dressed and headed to his Mom and Steve's house for lunch. Steve's daughters were there and I always enjoy visiting with them. They don't live here so we don't get to see them often. After a yummy lunch, we went to the Christmas service at church. Immediately after we ran home quickly to pick up Holly and headed to Scott's, Dad's house. A lovely visit, meal, and exchanging of gifts later we drove to Little Rock.

We woke up Christmas day to a fabulous breakfast prepared by my Mom. We ate at the breakfast table while listening to Christmas music! We watched Holly open her presents then we all got dressed for the day.

(we asked Holly to pose with her new toys by the tree and she wouldn't leave that spot for a good 10 minutes looking just like the above pic. It was funny)
After we got dressed, we all were in the kitchen helping prepare the meal. I always love that! I made our secret family recipe traditional Christmas yummieness--homemade noodles. It's quite the process and only Grammy and I know how to make them.

It's not really a secret recipe--i'll share--it's just a touch hard to make. You start with simply flour and eggs.

Slowly but surly, those eggs and flour turn into homemade dough!

Then, you roll the dough out so thin you can almost see through it. The thinner the better. Cut the dough into strips, drop them in boiling chicken broth and about 2 minutes later, you've got homemade noodles! They've been in my family for years and we never have a special holiday meal without them. I gotta admit, they're tricky to make and I'm proud that I know how to do it! Even if it is incredibly time consuming...
After we prepared our meal and were waiting on it to cook, we all opened our presents! I was thrilled to pieces when Scott and I got our own of this....

Needless to say, I've been playing with my new toy all day, every day, since. I love! I also got some cute clothes from Anthropologie and LOFT, a mini video camera, some Razorback gear, pajamas, and some other things I can't think of right now....whoops.
Later that evening Mom and I went to see Black Swan while Scott and Dad watched The Tourist. It was more of a chick flick than they were anticipating!
That's about it. It was a great weekend. Christmas seemed to fly by since it was on a Saturday and everyone was back to the normal routine on Monday. Now it's time for me to deal with Christmas decorations. UGH.
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