Today hasn't been super eventful. Scott just got back from Chicago. He was only gone one night and I'm happy to report I slept as hard as Holly did. I only had one scary moment last night--when a huge storm came to town and my power went out. It quickly came back on (thank goodness) and I was able to get back to Harry Potter.
After lunch with Jaclyn at (where else) McAlisters I decided to go see a movie. Water For Elephants is what I decided upon and it was SO good. Tonight Scott and I watched True Grit which I also enjoyed.
My parents are in Salsalito right now and I'm super jealous. They're headed to Napa tomorrow. They didn't invite me to join them. What's that about? This is their second trip to Napa this year. I think it's safe to say they really love it. I wouldn't know as I've never been. I know, I know....I find that crazy too given how much I enjoy yummy wine. Ice tea is my favorite beverage though just in case you're wondering. I pop in McAlisters almost every day just to order a tea. I guess it's my new diet coke. I've given those up.
Hmmm....alrighty that's all I've got for ya. My life is uneventful right now.
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