I've been doing more outfit posts lately. I've bumped into people or gotten sweet FB messages from many of you saying you like when I do it so I'm trying to do it more.
People have asked why I don't allow comments on my blog. I've just never wanted to. I know there are some mean, vindictive people out there who leave nasty comments on blogs and I just didn't want to have to deal with that. Especially since this blog is about my personal life. I read comments on other blogs occasionally and it makes me sad to see 'this comment has been removed from the administrator' because I'm like 'awww....someone said something mean' and it plain breaks my heart.
Nothing makes me happier to get on FB and have a message where the opening line reads 'yes I'm random and you don't know me but I read your blog daily.' Seriously, you have no idea--it gives me a warm fuzzy. SOOOOOO, that's why I don't allow comments but that's what facebook messages are for! Okay enough of that. Lets get this started.

I went out with my girls last night and we had a great time. The fun thing about my friends is we're all super girly and love an occasion to get all gussied up. I strayed from my usual summer outfit--a breezy dress--and decided to throw on my skinnies because I just bought this little sparkly number and really wanted to wear it.

I got her from the Gap. I've had my eye on it all summer but never bought it because it was $150 and since this isn't what I'd consider a staple piece I didn't really want to spend that much money on it. However, last week I was shopping with my Mom and they had it on sale for--ready for it--$10!!! Yes. Ten Dollars. Check.

So I threw it on with a casual white tank, some pretty gold necklaces, and my favorite new pumps, then had a fun night out on the town with my favorite girls! Christina has set her wedding date for next fall. The exact date will be known once the football schedule is released because in the south you could never have your wedding the same day as a home game--duh! Christina asked all of us to be her bridesmaids and I couldn't be more honored.

My friends and I have staggered our weddings just perfectly. Mine was 1/09, Jaclyn 10/09, Anna 9/10, Jax 6/11 and now Stina 10/12. One big wedding every year. Haha. I guess Ashley will have to be 6/13. Haha (hint hint Andy).

Tonight my fashion photog (also known as my cute husband) and I are going to have a lovely evening. We're trying out a new restaurant in Bentonville called Tusk and Trotter. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll love it because we really need some restaurants in my neck of the woods. All of the good ones are in Fayetteville and it just gets old driving there every weekend. After dinner we're off to Harry Potter!!! Which reminds me I probably need to pre-order tickets. Enjoy your weekend!!
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