Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

I saw this on Pinterest today and I think it's so cool!!! The only thing I don't appreciate is that they left Bentonville out. How could you leave the home of Walmart out? Silly. And whadya know, El Dorado is in purple. Perfect coincidence. Look Jake, even Marianna made it on there! Too fun.

Yesterday was a little odd for me. I don't feel like talking about it though. Just writing about it could potentially exhaust me. Needless to say, I fell asleep immediately after I wrote my blog around 9:30 last night and didn't wake up until 6:45 am. I'm sure I'll share all about that crazy day soon. Right now I just don't feel like it.

Since I did wake up so early and very refreshed, I accomplished quite a bit today. I started my day off at the gym. I love working out in the morning and getting it over with for the day. I'd love to do it every day and when I get good sleep I always do. But as you know, good sleep runs few and far between for this girl.
I also washed Holly's little bed today. I wash it every week so it's a fluffy and smells good for her. She loves when it's clean but becomes quite impatient waiting on it to get out of the washer/dryer. She LOVES her bed!
I've got some really fun news to share. No it's not about the email. I decided to wait to share that for Friday (probably). Scott is taking off Tomorrow, Friday, Monday and Tuesday. Yay! I could use a buddy.
It's just 9:20 but I'm sleepy. Maybe I can get on one of those patterns that I'm dying to be on where I go to bed early and wake up early. Happy Leap Year!

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