Here's a picture of my house when it was snowing the other day. Well....flurries were falling from the sky. I thought it would make for a good photo for my background this winter! My poor house has no friends living next door. There isn't a house behind us or to the left......or right depending on how you look at it. I'm anxious to get neighbors! I'm even more anxious to see what the future homes that will be built look like. Every home in my neighborhood is craftsman style so you never know what color it will be. I love it! I LOVE my neighborhood. It's so special. It's like the 1950's where you truly do know all of your neighbors. I know that's so rare and I feel so blessed. I can't imagine living anywhere else. I love it here!
Golden Globes on Sunday. My favorite awards show. Yay!
I finally decided to take down my Christmas cards today. It made me sad. I LOVE Christmas cards. Scott and I did one for the first time this (last) year. I've always wanted to do a card but thought about it too late and last year (2011) I promised myself I would remember to do it on time this (2012) year. (Confused yet? Me too.)
I definitely didn't order enough. I sent out 40 and I needed more. I received some from people and wanted to send one in return so bad but didn't have any left!!!! Note to self for next year: Order more cards.
I loved our little card this year. One of these days I'm going to figure out a way to show you what it looked like.
My bestest friend ever is having a baby. I'm fairly certain I've mentioned this. They're having a gender reveal party tomorrow night. I delivered the party flowers to them this evening and got tickled because I had to drive with this in my lap.
And NO! I don't know if it's a boy or a girl. I'm left in the dark. Whatever. So rude to torture me.
People keep asking me if I think the baby is a girl or a boy. That is such a stressful question!! I've always thought boy. The day Jaclyn told me she was pregnant I said "you're having a boy."
So I guess I'm betting on a baby boy. I'll let you know tomorrow!
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