Hey everyone! I hope your weekend was fun. I had a pretty good weekend. One of my pledge sisters got married Saturday night and so many girls that I haven't seen in a long time were there so that was fun. The wedding was beautiful and we had a good time dancing the night away. My friend, Jacqueline (Jax) told me that while we were all dancing she said to her husband "Kara knows every word to all of the rap songs" to which Craig replied "that's because she's from El Dorado." HA!! It made me laugh because it's so true.
I kinda failed to finish my week long outfit of the day series so....
this is what I'm wearing right now. This sweater is from JCrew and the extra blue jeans are from the Gap. I love the jeans but they always manage to unzip themselves so I have to make sure I'm wearing a shirt long enough to cover up my wardrobe malfunction!
Isn't my little Ivy so pretty?! She squeezed herself through my coffee table books and decided to lay here the other day. Thank goodness for iphones. If I didn't have it I wouldn't take near as many photos. I love being able to capture their cute moments all the time! Take Madison for example....
While I was eating lunch today I looked over and this crazy girl was laying on her back with a toy in her mouth. She lays like this all the time and it cracks me up. She also will just walk around holding a toy and not let it go for up to 30 minutes sometimes. It seems like she would get tired of holding it but she doesn't. She loves her toys!!!!
Love these two.
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