Friday, October 11, 2013

14 Weeks

I'm going to start blogging about my pregnancy every Friday if that's okay with you guys! Friday is the day I change weeks so that's why I've picked that day. I've been taking bump photos every other week so far and it's fun to look back on them. I don't ever think I've grown much until I start comparing and then it's super obvious that yes, indeed, I am growing.
I had such a big little bump on Tuesday but it disappeared the next day! I'm so confused. Isn't that backwards? I'm hoping it will come back soon because I kind of liked it!!

Size of Baby: 1.5 ounces and 3.5 inches long or about the size of a lemon.

How I'm Feeling: Still nauseous, still throwing up. I am starting to get my energy back and it feels wonderful! I still take naps occasionally but I'm no longer sleeping my life away like I have been.

Cravings: I wouldn't really say I have cravings for anything specific. I have turned into a sweets eater. I've always been a salty kind of girl so that's different but there's nothing in particular that I typically just crave.

Clothes: I still fit in all of my normal clothes perfectly. I feel like it will be a crazy day when I can no longer button my jeans but for now I'm good!

Movement: I haven't felt the baby move yet. I can't wait for that to happen. I thought I may have felt something during yoga little bubbles in my stomach popping. But maybe it was hunger pains. It's still early but I'm trying really hard to feel something.

Changes in Me: My belly has started to pooch and my hair is growing at lightening speed but other than that everything else feels pretty normal.

Baby Purchases: Yes. All the time. I can't help myself. I've completely cleared out the baby's closet and it's slowly getting stocked with precious little items. I recently purchased some Aden and Anais swaddle blankets because it was a cute pattern that I had never seen before and I couldn't pass it up. Mom brought back the sweetest little grey bunny that she purchased from Harrods while she was in London and some neighbors have given us a couple of books to get the little one's library started! I've bought really pretty cream, velvet slimline baby hangers and they may or may not already have tiny little clothes dangling from them. Scott took a photo of me making my very first baby purchase from The Toggery when we went down for the Little Rock game--a Razorback burp cloth!

Favorite Moment This Week: Finally announcing the big news! It was so easy to keep it a secret at first but the last week or two I was getting really anxious to share with everyone.

Looking Forward To: My appointment next Thursday to check on my sweet baby. And not being sick anymore. Every day I wake up and think "maybe this is the day!" Praying I'm not going to be like my Grammy who was sick her whole entire pregnancy.

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