Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Yesterday I had the hardest mommy day yet. I think I just reached my limit. Between the lack of sleep, a baby who wouldn't nap which made him more fussy than normal, and the obscene amount of spit up my poor little guy had for some reason, I pretty much lost it. Scott came home from work to a wife who was sobbing uncontrollably. I'm grateful that he came home when he did (although I actually could have used him a solid 4 hours earlier) because he immediately grabbed Campbell from me without saying a word and took over for the rest of the evening. I'm grateful for an awesome husband who loves and takes care of me and Campbell.
Some days are just really, really hard. Yesterday wins the award....so far.
I ended my day soaking in a tub for an hour. And it was awesome.
Somehow Campbell knew he took me to my limits because he was so easy to nurse and put back down to sleep all night. Then he woke up looking like this....a precious little angel. And today has been one of the easiest yet. Funny the way that works.
We took Campbell to his one month check up today. Our little peanut now weighs 7 pounds,14 ounces (3rd percentile...still a tiny little guy) and is 21 inches long (17th percentile). The doctor warned us that we're about to get in a really fussy stage which is interesting because I've read about 3 different books that have all said the same thing. Apparently weeks 5-7 are tough because of a big growth spurt. I'm not looking forward to it but it's nice to know that it's normal so I won't wonder if there's something wrong with him.
I'm obsessed with this picture I got of Madison today! How cute is she?! A lot of people have asked how the girls are adjusting and they're just fine. Madison hardly notices a change but that's typical of my Madison. She's such a free spirit! Madison still really wants the WubbaNub and attempts to get it every single day.
Ivy has had a little harder time adjusting. She loves Campbell and gives him kisses a lot and she'll check on him when he's sleeping which is really sweet. The crying stresses her out though. She's always been really needy and I go out of my way (sometimes to where it makes life harder on me but they're important to me so it's worth it) to make her feel loved and not neglected. Obviously things have changed a little as far as how much attention I'm able to give her and if I think about it too hard it breaks my heart. But we still snuggle in bed and take naps together and I hold her every chance I get. She sits in the glider next to me while I rock Campbell and I rub her head at the same time. All in all, they're pretty good. I've always been glad they have one another but I'm especially glad for it now.
Okay time to go get in bed and snuggle with my girls!

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