1.) Ever have those days where you feel super productive? Today was one of those days for me! I got up this morning and made dinner. Yep, that's right. The crock pot is probably about to become my new best friend. It's so easy and makes foods soft enough for Campbell to eat which is a lovely bonus and is pretty much the reason I've decided to start using it. I made a delicious pork loin tonight that was so easy and super yummy. I pinned the recipe on Pinterest (kara2lou) if any of you want to check it out. It's my latest recipe pin/the only crock pot recipe on my board. I also made Campbell a yummy lunch while I was at it. Chicken, sweet potatoes and blueberries. He thought it was yummy!

2.) I also got some Christmas shopping done today! I'm guilty of doing last minute shopping. Not necessarily because I want to. It just takes me forever to decide what I want to give. I would not consider myself an indecisive person in every day life but when it comes to gift giving I'm the worst at making up my mind. I took care of over half of my Christmas shopping today. Campbell is becoming more and more uninterested in being my shopping buddy.
3.) Speaking of shopping, while I was at the mall I popped in baby gap....obviously. When we walked in the store everyone who works there said "Hey Kara! Hey Campbell!" It tickled me. I'm in there way too often. But I'm not sorry about it. They do me the same way at McAlisters. Again, not sorry about it.
4.) Campbell will be this big before I know it. I know it sounds so cliché but it seems like yesterday Landon was Campbell's age. I remember it so perfectly! How is he so big? We send each other texts now. And he was such a great helper to me last week with Campbell. He's a great big cousin!! I'm so proud of the little man Landon has turned into. He will always be my number 1.
5.) My girls. I just can't get enough of them. They have been extra sweet snuggle partners these last few days.
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