Thursday, March 26, 2015


Happy 1st Birthday to this precious baby boy of mine. This year has been an amazing journey. I'm somewhat at a loss as to what I should write. It's so surreal to be here, one year later. All day long yesterday I was reliving my life exactly one year ago. I woke up at 4:30 in the morning thinking I may be in labor. Around 9:00 we went to the hospital only to be released two hours later. Scott and I hopped in the car and grabbed Chik Fil A for lunch on the way home. As I was eating lunch, I was texting with my doctor who is also my friend. I told her I was glad to be sent away because life got very real for a minute there! Our morning activity wore me out so after lunch, I curled up in bed and took a really long nap. Six hours later we were back in the car and knew without a doubt we were about to meet our little boy. The entire labor and delivery process was perfectly amazing. I loved every minute of it and meeting Campbell for the first time was the most precious moment of my life.
The Lord has blessed me beyond measure by giving Campbell to me. I don't know what I ever did to deserve him but I'm humbled and honored. Campbell's first year of life was full of so many memories. Some good.....some not so good!! I will never forget this life changing year and I can't wait to see what the future holds. I'm excited to watch my little boy grow and change and learn, and I look forward to sharing each step along the way with all of you here.


  1. He's so cute, Happy Happy First Birthday to your adorable little man! Love the photo.

    1. Thank you! We had a great first birthday!!
