Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Campbell and I have been spending our week running around town getting ready for his birthday party on Saturday. We're pretty much all set and ready to go. We have a couple of things to take care of tomorrow but after that we're just going to hang out for the rest of the week and celebrate the fact that my sweet baby is one year old. Can't. Believe. It.
When I was driving around town this afternoon I looked in my rear view mirror and caught a glimpse of Campbell. He was looking all cute sucking on his fingers and watching Mickey Mouse on the iPad. (Car rides = iPad. Always and always) I got the biggest grin on my face and my heart swelled with joy. I love him. He makes me so happy. This has been an amazing year. It started out a little rough and Campbell and I didn't necessarily get off to a great start. There was that four month period of non stop crying from my colicky, gassy, reflux baby which led me to reach a level of exhaustion I didn't even know was possible. But we've moved passed that and now all I get is huge grins, big open mouth kisses and the sweetest words I have ever heard--Mama. Yep, Campbell has started talking and his first word was Mama. The hard times are now forgiven since he decided to make that his first word. Scott and I have debated since before Campbell was born whose name he would say first and I'm beyond thrilled that I won. I knew I would. I try not to rub it in too much.


  1. Can't wait for Saturday!! They grow up too fast...way too fast!
