Campbell had his first day of MDO today! The day ended up being so wonderfully perfect!! When I arrived at the church, Campbell seemed like he was really excited to be there. I dropped him off at his classroom and he gave me a quick look of panic but instantly got over it. Whew! He started making his way around the room checking out all of the fun new toys that he just had to get his hands on.
I left and did what I always do--go to Walmart. I stocked up on groceries, went home to unload them, then got back out to run around town. I didn't have just a ton of errands to take care of today so I ended up doing a little shopping and had lunch with Scott at Flying Burrito. Before I knew it, it was time to pick up my little man. I missed him so much! I was excited to see him and hear how his day went.
When I picked him up the ladies said Campbell did so, so great! They said he explored the room and every toy in it. He ate all of his lunch and--get this--slept for an hour and a half on his nap mat!! What?! I wondered how in the world that was going to work out but apparently it worked out perfectly. They said Campbell napped the longest of anyone (loves to nap just like his mommy!) and they kept waiting on him to wake up from all of the noise but he didn't so finally they just turned the lights on and went about business as usual while Campbell just laid there. Ha!!! That really cracks me up. Although I wish they had taken a picture of it because I really want to see that with my own eyes.
I'm so glad my little man had such a great day at "school." Two little kiddos from our neighborhood are in Campbell's class and I'm so glad they are! His teachers are so sweet and I can tell Campbell feels very comfortable and happy there. First day of school = success!
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