Monday, March 21, 2016


Happy Monday everybody! Who is officially ready for spring? Me! I've been ready for months now. Normally I enjoy winter but our winter was kind of a dud here. We didn't get any snow and the weather never could make up its mind if it wanted to be warm or freezing. I'm looking forward to warm, predictable sunshine for the months to come!!
This little sweetie will be two on Saturday. I can't believe it! Scott and I spent our weekend trying to get prepared for Campbell's birthday party, also on Saturday. I'm looking forward to it! Campbell is going to have a puppy party themed birthday since he's so obsessed with dogs. The party is at our house and I've been looking at the weather forecast non stop to make sure the bright sunshine and warm temperatures are sticking because I'd really love for us to be able to enjoy the party outside. Fingers crossed for a beautiful day!
Other than doing a little bit of party planning this week, I don't have much else going on. Which is wonderful. I'm enjoying just relaxing since the last few weeks have felt crazy and busy. Bennett's room is really coming together and I think I'm going to reach my goal of having nothing to do to get prepped for his arrival by the first of May, maybe even a little sooner. I still want to do things like make us some freezer meals and a couple of other little nesting things around the house but other than that, we're almost good to go! I've been having a moment this week of realizing that time is ticking and he will be here before I know it. The weeks have already flown by and now that it's spring it's just all setting in that this is happening soon. I'll be 37 weeks the first weekend of May which makes me feel like I only have all of April before it becomes a waiting game. Crazy. I think I'm ready though. For the longest time I didn't feel ready, mentally, at all. That's slowly fading and I'm (almost) ready to tackle life with a newborn again.
Meanwhile, the peanut and I are going to enjoy the beautiful weather this week by spending a lot of time outdoors. We're looking forward to it, especially Campbell. He LOVES playing outside.

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