Monday, February 6, 2017

Football, Movies and Blanket Scarves (in that order).

Hey-O! What a game last night, huh? I like football but don't pay any attention at all to the NFL. But I do enjoy the Super Bowl and I was glued to the television that last half. We went to some friends to watch the first half of the game then had to come home and get the boys in bed. I thought Lady Gaga did a great job (she has such a beautiful voice!) and then the game ended up being so awesome. It was exactly like watching the Razorbacks play except instead of the Hogs being the Patriots we're the Falcons. #1stHalfTeam
The rest of our weekend was pretty chill. We had a birthday party to attend Saturday and Campbell had a lot of fun. I made some yummy enchiladas for dinner Saturday night then once the boys went to bed Scott and I watched Hell or High Water. Have you guys seen that movie? I hadn't even heard of it honestly but apparently it's nominated for an Oscar(?) and I can completely see why. It was a great movie with an awesome cast! I highly recommend. Speaking of movies, I'm totally going to the theater to see Beauty and the Beast right when it comes out. It was my absolute favorite when I was a little girl and although I haven't seen it in over a decade (at least) I'm sure it would still be my favorite today. 
A lot of you ladies have sent me messages asking how I tie my blanket scarves so I did a short tutorial on my Instagram stories. I love blanket scarves and have quite a collection but I can see why you would never want to wear them if you didn't have a good way to tie them. I have a good, simple little technique (that I can't take credit for, I totally watched a YouTube video years ago to learn how myself). Go check it out before it disappears sometime tomorrow night!


  1. What a game. Wow and I loved Lady Gaga! My daughter is so excited for Beauty and the Beast. Definitely seeing it.
