Thursday, October 12, 2017


Happy Friday Eve y'all! What a week. Actually, the past few weeks have been rough here in the Johnson house. Bennett, my perfect baby, has been a challenge x 10. So. Much. Crying. The problem is an easy one to diagnose--he's tired. Bennett desperately still needs two, two hour naps. Most days, however, he doesn't get them. His MDO class does one nap from 12:15-2:00 so he is Grumpy McGrumperson starting around 3:30 until bedtime. On Wednesdays I do my bible study from 9:30-11:30 which cuts into that morning nap too. So three days a week he is so fussy. I know three out of seven doesn't sound bad but trust me, it is. Scott and I both are about to lose our minds. Plus, my Wonder Weeks chart tell me Bennett is in a leap. A long one. And I one million percent believe in the Wonder Weeks chart. It's his last leap and I remember reading when Campbell was a baby and going through Wonder Weeks that the last one is a doozy. We're only supposed to have one more week left of it so lets all just take a moment to get on our knees and pray that the end of the leap will fix a lot of the crying. Because there's so much crying. More crying in the last few weeks than in his whole entire 17 months of life. Jesus take the wheel. Take it from my hands. Cause I can't do this on my own.
I know it's hard to look at that innocent little face and believe me but I'm telling the truth.
In other Bennett news, this little guy is 100% walking now. He took his first steps on his 16 month birthday and he chose walking as his preferred transportation of choice a little more each week. Now I never see him crawl anymore and it's a little bit sad. He is also super into ketchup and dipping everything in is so he may as well go to kindergarten tomorrow since he's apparently a big boy now.
The boys are in bed now and I'm working on some blog stuff then taking a bath and watching Scandal. I'm excited to share some cool stuff here next week with you guys! Going to work hard on a few things over the weekend and hopefully have them all set and ready to go early next week. I have a busy weekend! A lot of things for my blog and I'm also taking some Halloween photos for a bunch of cute families in my neighborhood. I'm excited to take the pics. I love kids in Halloween costumes!! See you guys back here tomorrow!!

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