I've already shared this photo on my Instagram. I was taking it as a test shot and was just checking to make sure my lighting was okay but I ended up loving what came out of it. These two are the very best of friends. Bennett is always trying to keep up with Campbell and Campbell is the protective big brother. I absolutely love watching their relationship grow as they get older. My hope is that they will forever and always be the best of friends.
I think Bennett might be finishing up his final wonder week. He's been a lot better the last few days so I'm hoping it's over. He's also drooling like crazy so maybe he really is getting teeth which has been partly to blame for the fussy behavior. He only has 6 teeth so it's time for more that's for sure! I have definitely been taken to my limit the last few weeks and it has mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted me. I was in bed at 8:30 earlier this week and out cold by 9:00. I slept hard for 10 straight hours. I don't usually climb in bed until 10:30 and I don't fall asleep until 11:00 so that is really early for me. I felt so good when I woke up the next morning. I need to do that at least once a week. I've said this before but I rarely get to where I feel like I've reached my limit. I love being home with these babies and even some fussing or whining or whatever it may be, doesn't really get to me. I feel like I'm usually just smooth sailing then suddenly I feel like I'm going to lose it. I told Scott I really needed a date night with him so he got one set up for this Saturday! We both need it and are looking forward to it. We really don't do date nights often enough so when we get one, it's super exciting. This stage of life is really hard but it has been, without question, my favorite stage of life thus far. I wouldn't change anything about it. Even if it does mean fussy babies, messy toddlers and feeling like I go days with only seeing my husband in passing because we're both so busy.
I'm looking forward to a fun Friday and a fun weekend with my family. I've been wanting to do some fun, fall-ish things for a few weeks now but we have been so busy and just haven't had time. This weekend we're making time. Scott doesn't know that yet but once he reads this he'll find out. :) Our little family is due for a day of making some memories.
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