Happy (Cyber) Monday everyone! I am currently blogging to you from my very new computer. Woo Hoo! My laptop has gotten so slow and I've been wanting a new computer for a while. My sweet hubby researched on what would be the best computer for me to have for my specific needs then went to Best Buy on Thanksgiving Day to score me my new PC for a good discount!
I'm going to have my very own office in our new house. It will be tiny but it will be perfect for me and I'm so excited about it. I'm looking forward to my own space where I can blog and edit photos. I'm going to make it pretty and girly since there is so much blue in my life. Ha!
I have been so, so, so busy these last few weeks. Before Halloween I posted on my neighborhood Facebook page offering to shoot some mini sessions of kids in their Halloween costumes. I got quite a few families that took me up on it and it was so much fun. I shared some of the photos on Facebook then suddenly started getting asked if I would shoot some family Christmas card photos. I ended up doing so. many. sessions. I couldn't believe it and never would have dreamed that I would take photos of as many families as I did. I was up so late every night editing photos because I didn't want to fall behind and wanted to be finished with it all before Thanksgiving. I finished all of my galleries around 10:00 PM the night before Thanksgiving. I've been editing so many photos the last 5 weeks that I almost don't even know what to do with all of this free evening time I have now!
Doing the family sessions gave me the itch to want to do more. I know it will slow down a lot now that Christmas card photo taking time is over but I'm hoping I could turn photography into a little side gig! I had so much fun and it was so nice to do something other than being a stay at home mom. I'm hoping to spend the holidays growing and learning more about photography and go into 2018 being better behind the camera. I still have so much to learn but I'm really pleased with how all of my sessions turned out.
All that being said, I'm excited for my faster computer because it will make photo editing much more efficient. And before long I'll have my own little office where I can focus on my work and that makes me excited. My blogging slacked a little the last few weeks because of my sessions. I usually have a week's worth of posts written in advance but this week I've got nothing. I'm hoping to spend some time tomorrow to get some good stuff written up so stay tuned and I'll see you then!
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