Size of Baby: 16 inches tall and almost 3 pounds. Almost birth height! Just has to pack on about 3.5 more pounds!!
How I'm Feeling: I feel pretty good actually. I went to the chiropractor on Thursday and I could tell it really helped loosen me up and align things more correctly. She commented on how bad the spot was that I've been complaining about and I'm going back again early next week because it still needs more work. It has helped me not get that sudden pinch in my lower back as often. Still getting it, but not as often so I'd say the chiropractor was a success.
Cravings/Appetite: Definitely not eating quite as much as I used to since this little nugget is squishing my stomach and not allowing for as much room for food.
Clothes: I'm still wearing all of my normal clothes and pants but the wardrobe is becoming more and more limited. Even things I was able to wear just a few weeks ago are no longer flattering. I'm opting for super loose sweaters and ponchos these days.
Movement: This little guy is definitely moving more these days. He is now moving more than Bennett did but still not as much as Campbell.
Changes in Me: It's so hard to shave. Putting socks on or shoes that I have to tie or zip is such a struggle. Basically any time I bend over it squishes my stomach and I feel like I'm going to throw up. One thing I've noticed that I don't do this pregnancy is get out of breath. I'm still working out 4-5 times a week so I guess I'm just in better shape! I was on the elliptical just this morning and proud of myself that I've made it this far. When I first found out I was pregnant I wondered how long I would be able to keep up with my workouts. Running may have come to an end several weeks ago but at least I've been able to do the elliptical and I don't see why I won't be able to keep it up for at least another month....maybe even this whole pregnancy.
Baby Purchases: Kickee Pants released a new line last week so obviously I partook in that and got him two new footies. One newborn and one 0-3 months. They're so tiny!!
Favorite Moment This Week: Yesterday I sold a bunch of furniture including the guest bedroom furniture in our house. It's time to get rid of that guest room and turn it into our little boys nursery! The people who bought it are coming later this afternoon to pick it up so last night Scott started taking the bed apart and getting stuff moved out of there. Now the room is empty and we need to fill it up with sweet little baby items. A lot of people have asked me about the bedroom situation and thankfully our house has 5 bedrooms so each boy will be able to have their own room and we still have a guest room--aka Pops and Gamma's room. Plus a pull out sofa in our playroom. Still plenty of room for company here!
Looking Forward To: Nesting. I'm ready. I haven't been ready but I am now. I ordered some hangers this morning so I can start washing clothes and getting his closet ready. It's a hot mess in that closet right now so I've got a lot of work and organizing to do. I'm also looking forward to ordering his furniture. Don't laugh at me but I have literally lost sleep over this furniture. I have not been able to make up my mind or honestly been very happy with any of the nursery furniture options out there. I finally decided I've got to make a decision and just go with it so I started adding items into a cart and seeing them all together made me like it more. I actually think it's going to come together really nicely. I'm anxious to get everything ordered so I can start getting ready for this little boy to come and live here!
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