Saturday, December 22, 2018

Holiday Baking

We are planning on doing our annual Christmas train ride this morning and I'm so excited about it! It's one of my favorite holiday traditions that we do. Last year was set up for the most perfectly magical train ride. It snowed that morning and I was just soooooo happy and jolly as we were headed to the train station to take our train ride---in the snow!! I mean, could it be more magical and perfect? Then as we were standing in line to pick up our tickets, Bennett threw up alllllll over me. In front of everyone. I wanted to die. We had no clue he wasn't feeling good or I obviously wouldn't have taken him out. Everyone stared and honestly everyone was so kind. I'm sure they all thought we had just exposed them to the flu (remember how last years flu season was the worst ever?!) though. I picked up the mess myself so the poor people working the station wouldn't have to and we headed to the car to leave. But then Campbell was SO sad that he wasn't going to get to ride on the train so Scott decided to take Campbell on the train ride while I took Bennett home. Then Scott said Campbell cried the whole time because I wasn't there. So basically it was a disaster!!! And we still have no idea what was wrong with Bennett because once he took a bath then a nap, he was acting just like himself again.
So.....yeah. Hoping today goes nothing like it did last year.
Meanwhile, here are some Christmas pictures that I want to make sure I get on here for my memories sake! Wish us luck at the train station today! Ha!!

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