I have had a lot of people ask me how I've been feeling and I feel good. I still have contractions but they aren't anything like they were last Wednesday as far as length and consistency. I have definitely made a better attempt at taking it easy and laying as much as I can. I do think it's helped. I am staying far away from exercising because I do think that's what caused me to have those pre-labor contractions. I told Scott I was bummed because I hoped to go all the way until the end with my workouts but he said I should just be proud of how far I got. I miss my cardio but there is something nice about just laying around in the morning, slowly sipping my coffee, and cuddling with my boys in bed while we watch cartoons. Not one morning goes by that I don't make an attempt to enjoy my nice, slow mornings where I wake up feeling really rested after a long night of sleep. I know all too well that those days are numbered!
Size of Baby: We got the weight of our little nugget yesterday! He is 5 pounds and 7 ounces. He measured a few days ahead but basically is right on track!How I'm Feeling: I'm feeling pretty good. I'm taking it easy, as much as I can take it easy. I do still get contractions but they're short and last 10 minutes max. It doesn't matter if I'm being active or not--they just come on whenever. It's crazy how real and strong the contractions feel. It's that same burn I felt when I was about an hour away from having Bennett (I had an epidural with Campbell so didn't feel anything). I told my OB yesterday that now I am really not going to know when I'm in labor since I've been experiencing these pre-labor contractions that feel identical to what I felt when I was in actual labor. She agreed with me!! I've just never really been bothered by contractions and have always worried I wouldn't know when I'm in labor and end up being one of those women who has her baby in the car! Totally serious. My water broke with Campbell and with Bennett I went in for my weekly checkup and was told I was in labor.....so those were all sure-fire ways of knowing! Hopefully my water will break so I won't have to question anything.
Cravings/Appetite: Trying to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and keep the contractions at bay.
Clothes: Enjoying my last few weeks of dressing a baby bump before it's gone forever! Trying to soak it all in and have fun with it. I will miss the bump, I always do. Since it's final this time it's kind of sad for me.
Movement: He is still moving really big in there and not slowing down much. When we saw him on the ultrasound yesterday, he was basically folded in half. His head is down and his feet and hands were by his face. It makes so much sense to me now. I can always tell his little bottom is right by my belly button and now that I can picture him in there perfectly, everything about his movements and what's what is easy to make out.
Changes in Me: Even thought we had a dramatic week last week, everything has calmed down enough to where my OB thinks he will definitely be staying put this week. I'm so relieved. Of course we know anything can happen but I have a peace about it that he's going to stay in there for another week for sure. You can't predict anything but my OB is pretty certain he'll come at 37 weeks....maybe even a few days before. When I woke up this morning I had so much pressure because he felt even lower. It happens every few days. I'm trying to get everything done this week because I have a feeling that next week the pressure will be almost unbearable after standing/doing/going too much.
Baby Purchases: Just tying up some loose ends with this winter baby and getting items I've realized I don't have and actually need to keep him warm. One of the things I ordered are some Zutano booties. I'm about 99% certain the booties will be too big but I can't find anything else so I went ahead and ordered them. I measured both of my boys hospital footprints and they're an inch smaller than the booties. I hate when stuff doesn't fit right because it looks ridiculous but I need something to cover his feet when we get out of the house. I have one pair of socks that my mom got me when I had Campbell and they are actually small enough to fit a newborn. Why is it so hard to find clothing and accessories that are small enough for a newborn? I know they grow fast but that doesn't mean they don't still need it and need it to fit them and not swallow them. It's been a BIG pet peeve of mine this pregnancy. Does this bother anyone else or just me? Probably just me....
Favorite Moment This Week: Seeing our sweet babe yesterday. It made me so excited to hold him. I mean, I've been excited but now I'm itching to get him in my arms.
Looking Forward To: Finalizing all of our nesting this weekend. It's going to feel so good to have it all done so we can take it easy until the baby comes! Organization and having things spotlessly clean makes life so much more peaceful, don't you think?
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