Five weeks in and we're still surviving over here!! Wells had his one month check up today and our little guy is looking great! He's growing, growing and measuring 20 inches tall now which is two inches gained since birth! He weighs 7 lbs, 8.5 ounces so he's almost gained two whole pounds since he entered this world! Grow baby grow!
Wells has been a really sweet little baby but he does have some pretty terrible gas pains occasionally. I feel terrible for him when they hit him because he'll let out a little scream and you can tell he's in pain. He doesn't cry much and when he does you can tell it's because he's hurting. I've taken him to the chiropractor twice now and it really is amazing how much it helps. Right now we're doing it twice a week but before long we'll be able to go down to just once a week, then once every other week, etc. I think I took Bennett to the chiropractor until he was around 3-4 months old so I assume that's about how long I'll have to take Wells too. It just takes a few months for their little tummies to adjust to life on the outside. Poor things. I feel for babies. I imagine life can be very frustrating for them at times.We got Campbell registered for kindergarten this week. I can't believe it. How is that time in our lives already here? Campbell turns 5 next month and every single year, exactly a month before his birthday, he starts to change and seem older in some way or another. Literally every year a month before his birthday I notice big changes in him. And just in the last few days it's started. I look at him and he just seems more mature and also very tall! I love watching him grow and I know he's going to love school. I will miss him though!! And I know Bennett will too. I'm sure in some ways Bennett will enjoy the alone time but he and Campbell are buddies and play together all day so I have to imagine Bennett will get bored quite a bit without his best friend at home to keep him entertained.
So looking forward to the weekend. Maybe this weekend we can get out and do something. We attempted it a few weeks ago and it was hard to manage but we're getting better at it now so maybe we can do it this time. Plus I would love to go to church. We haven't been since Wells was born and I miss it! I'm sure the boys do too.
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