We had a great weekend! Scott and I commented that life felt like normal this weekend. We stayed home, of course, but the weather was so beautiful and we spent all of Saturday outside in our backyard. Let's just all agree that if we're going to be in quarantine Mother Nature should bless us with perfect weather every day, am I right?
We got a bounce house for Campbell's birthday two years ago and it is without question one of the best investments we've ever made in a toy. We blow it up all the time. It's so easy to set up and the boys love it so much. So you can pretty much guarantee if the weather is nice, the bounce house is up. Wells isn't so much into the bouncing part of it but our bounce house has a small little ball pit attached to it and he LOVED playing it in this weekend!
Scott and I ended our weekend with the second to last episode of Homeland ever. Y'all. Homeland has been my show since before we had kids. I don't think we start watching it until halfway through the second season but once we discovered how good it is, we binged hard on it. Scott would come home from work and we would immediately turn Homeland on so we could squeeze in several episodes in a night. I am seriously sad that next Sunday is the very last episode ever. I hate when shows I love come to an end. This season has been sooooo good.This nugget turns 15 months old on Thursday. I am never one of those moms who wishes time to stand still but I did have a moment tonight where I looked at this love muffin and just wanted time to stop. I am obsessed with his cute age. I think I've said that at almost every age that we've been through with Wells though. Ha! When you know it's your last baby, you look at things so differently. I want to eat this little angel. Babies are the best.
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