Friday, December 18, 2020

One More Week

Can you believe there is only one more week left until Christmas? We have had such a beautiful week here in NWA. The snow is finally starting to melt but we have a nice little covering in our yard still. It lasted so much longer than it usually does which was the best Christmas present for me! I have always dreamed of a white Christmas and even though we didn't have snow on actual Christmas day, this was just as good! I got some beautiful snowy photos (it's fun to take photos of something different vs the same ol' same ol') and just enjoyed waking up every morning, drinking my coffee, watching my birds eat out of my bird feeders and enjoy my winter wonderland backyard. Such a gift! The beauty of nature is a magnificent blessing! 

We are currently watching a series on Disney+ on the making of Frozen 2. It is fascinating! Scott and I really enjoy documentaries and this is a really good one. It is incredible to see how much effort goes into making an animated film. I truly had no idea. These people sometimes spend TWO MONTHS on a THREE SECOND scene. Three seconds! Mind. Blown. And then sometimes the scene doesn't make the cut. Can you even!!!  I feel like I have a new appreciation of all that these creative geniuses go through to make an animated film. It seems like it would be so much easier to just use real people. Ha!
I am pretty much done with all of my Christmas shopping. My to-do list is close to being checked off. I am hoping I finish everything this weekend so I can enjoy next week with my boys. We have some really fun and exciting things planned and I can't wait to make some memories! I am a little sad that Christmas is already a week away. This month has seemed to fly by. I am soaking up every minute of it!

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