Sunday, January 18, 2009

Getting Married This Week!

So I'm getting married this week. Pretty big week I guess you could say! Everything is taken care of so I really don't have to do anything all week. Just sit back and relax. Brad and Jaclyn came down to Little Rock this weekend. They had a wedding to attend last night and came and stayed with us at my parents house. We had a great time. Jaclyn and I went wedding dress shopping for her at Proposals. That was lots of fun! We just ate a yummy lunch at the Flying Fish with them and now they're off to head back up to NWA.
Landon is here! He flew into Little Rock yesterday. He is getting so big he's like a mini-man. He reluctantly tried on his tux for the wedding and he looks soooo cute!!! His hair is like, buzzed off though so I'm going to have to put my hairstyling skills to the test to figure all of that out. I'm really sad because I asked 3 times for it to be kept long and curly. It's very upsetting to me but I obviously can't do anything about it now.....
Now Scott and I are lounging around watching Pirates of the Caribbean 3. We really don't have to do anything today except find my camera battery charger. I'm guessing it's somewhere here in Little Rock because I turned my house upside down looking for it. I can always buy a new one I guess but that's so annoying. Hopefully I'll find it. I guess that's all. I don't really have much to say today. Enjoy your Sunday!

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