Monday, April 27, 2009

Landon's 4th Birthday

Yesterday my family celebrated Landon's 4th birthday! I can't believe how fast he's growing up! He really seems like a big boy now!! As you know, Scott and I got Landon roller skates for his birthday. Landon loves them! He played with them all day yesterday and he's still in them today. He's starting to get the hang of it. Mom and I have been helping him try to figure it out in the garage all day. He's gotta get the idea of pushing the skates instead of walking in them. I think by the end of the week, he'll have it down pat! Here's a video of Landon from yesterday trying out the skates!

Feeding Holly some Spiderman birthday cake. The only way Holly will let Landon get near her is when he feeds her a treat. Notice his cautious face as he pets her, trying to make sure she won't run away once she notices he's petting her!

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