Today I slept in really late. Why? Because I could...and I wanted to. I woke up super early every day last week, even on the weekends, so I decided to sleep in today. After I got up and warmed up a lean cuisine, I went to the gym to do pilates again. I'm really enjoying it. It's incredibly similar to my physique sculpt class. And, just like I have my favorite cycle instructor, I have my favorite aerobics instructor. Alicia teaches my sculpt class and she is so hardcore. In most sculpting classes you burn about 200 calories in 45 minutes, she said in her's you burn about 500. I've been doing her pilates classes because I trust her to be the best. Plus, we just discovered last week that both of our husbands work at Sara Lee! Awesome. We can mingle at work parties together.
So that's my new love. Pilates. Alicia said it'll be about 10 classes before I see a difference. I just really want to not do just cardio. I want to be strong and limber and super toned which you can't get from just cardio.
So I'm very excited because my birthday is a week from tomorrow and to celebrate it, Scott and I are taking off work and heading to.....MEMPHIS! I chose Memphis because my favorite restaurant in the whole wide world is there, Spindini. And they have some good boutiques there. And we're gonna hit up Tunica. And I just miss Memphis. I'm so excited. Scott and I are going to drive to Little Rock after work on Monday and stay at my parents, then wake up in the morning and head to Memphis so we can be there for lunch. We're going to shop around and my family is going to come up and eat with us at Spindini! Then we'll go to Tunica for a bit because I come from a family who loves to hit up a casino. Scott and I are going to stay the night then head back sometime Wednesday. I'm so excited!!! I'll go back to my old stomping grounds. Very much looking forward to it!
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