Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Life In NWA

Soooo....what do you guys think about Life In NWA? Are you all reading it?
I'm having a lot of fun with it. Still trying to 'tweek' the look of it....I think it's almost done. I feel bad for anyone trying to look at it while it's under reconstruction. Anywho....
I figured out how to download a track counter onto my site so I can see how many people read it, how long they stay on the site, what state/city they're reading it from, etc. It's pretty hard core. Crazy how smart technology is these days. I set it up earlier this week so yesterday was the first full day of track counting and over 50 people read it yesterday! I was pumped about the 50ish. I figured maybe 20ish.
So you guys have a job to do. I need you to promote on your facebook page, follow it on Twitter , and 'like' it on facebook. I created a page, Life In Northwest Arkansas. If you would do that I would greatly appreciate!!!

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