We've made it to Crested Butte! The flight was redic-- 2 hours from Dallas. Love that! We got into town at 11, got to the hotel by 11:30, unpacked, then headed to Avalanche--one of my fav CB restaurants on the mountain! We decided to spend the day hanging around the town. We did a little grocery shopping then came back to the room, took a 30 minute nap or so (we're so worn out) then had pizza at Secret Stash. YUM. We decided to come back to the room and chill. We rented Seabiscuit and are about to get in our PJ's and watch it! I'm so, so tired and Scott is to. We have a big day tomorrow so it's good for us to be really rested!

Scott is making me excited because he's loving Colorado so far. Can you believe he's never been? His family always did the Caribbean for vacations. He's never seen anything like this and it's neat watching him be so impressed and fascinated with certain things. He's really excited about being here. I cannot wait to go skiing tomorrow. It will for sure make for a memorable 2 year wedding anniversary!
Our room is great. Very spacious and cozy. The kitchen is much bigger than I was anticipating. Our view is amazing. We're on the top floor and we are right in front of the ski lifts so we have a great view of the mountain. Okay. I guess I'll shower up and get ready for Seabiscuit!
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