The Lofts was almost like a family community. Everyone knew everyone because all of the residents hung on the rooftop and got an opportunity to know one another really well. Scott and I talk about how much we miss that rooftop all the time. It gave you a really great feeling!
One thing I don't miss about The Lofts.....

All in all, my Memphis living environment was the best. Sadly, I don't believe I have any photos of mine and Scott's super cool loft. They all got blown up in my car....that got blown up. We loved it though. One whole wall was brick. I loved that. It's definitely not a building you could ever find in Arkansas. Our building can be seen in Walk The Line. The Lofts were in a great location and you could walk to many things.
Including this...

Of course the best thing about Memphis...

Memphis has a lot to offer and I definitely miss it at times. I loved taking the trolly and strolling downtown while jazz magically played in the background. I loved the southern soul, the Elvis impersonators, the entertainment, the food.....ahhh! Scott and I never got bored while living there because there is so much to offer! Living downtown was very cool. Our loft was the best and the food in Memphis is heaven. Lucky for me...I get to go in just a few short weeks for Memphis in May!! Scott and I are staying with our, what I like to call, Memphis friends! Wade and Alissa are offering up their pad for the weekend (which is also downtown right by The Lofts) and Scott and I are VERY MUCH looking forward to it! If you're headed to Memphis in May....or if you're ever going to Memphis in general, you should message me. I know all the yummy restaurants that are must visits and all of the great shopping and fun places to go.
I'm happy to say I've lived somewhere different. I remember having a sad day once, being away from family and friends and very much missing them. I called my Mom for consoling and she said something I've never forgotten. She said that I should feel grateful for the opportunity to live somewhere different because most people always live in the same place their whole lives and I had the opportunity to be somewhere really cool for a short period of time. Very true Mom!!
I've told Scott I feel as if I could handle a 'random' location much better now. It was a hard adjustment period being away from the people that I love and not getting to see them frequently. However, I have a very different life now than I did 4 years ago. My life is Scott--and Holly. We cook together, watch our shows, have date nights. I still get happy times from family and friends of course but I'm just as happy that my life now is just Myself, Scott, Holly, a few chicken kabobs and On Demand.
I would love it if Scott got the opportunity to move. Sara Lee has an office in Chicago and I think that would be ridiculously cool. However, I would die if Scott could get relocated to Europe or somewhere crazy like that. Just for 12-18 months or so. I'm very jealous of people who get an opportunity to do that.
For now....my Memphis will have to do.
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