Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I have been running around all day long today. I don't know if I'm ever going to get this house decorated! It's taking forever. I'm being very particular about everything I buy. I want it to be perfect and not buy just whatever can fill up the space. Today I worked on my nightstands. I found some awesome lamps and got my side all fixed up. Scott's side is almost fixed up. It has definitely made our bedroom look a little more pleasant.
I have guests staying with me this weekend so I'm wanting to get my house as nice looking as I can. It's just my parents, grandparents and uncle but still! Unfortunately I won't even be here while they're here. I'm swapping houses with Mom & Dad this weekend. Scott is a groomsmen in a wedding in Hot Springs & my parents have to work up here. We talked about staying in Hot Springs but since moving is so dang expensive we need to be cheap. So driving back and forth in the company car it is!
Sidetrack: I just had a moment where I thought I saw a grey hair! It wasn't one though. Whew! Anyone else my age getting those yet? I guess most of you don't know because you probably color your hair. Scott has them above his ears. He got them about a month after he started his first job in Memphis. I guess his work is stressful. Well, obviously!
Speaking of Scott, his birthday is on Friday and I have no idea what to get him. He's hard to buy for. He doesn't really have any hobbies and any time I buy him clothes he always returns them. So rude. Ha! I'm open for any kind of suggestions.
We'll be spending his birthday at a rehearsal dinner. It's kind of nice because the wedding is one of his SAE buddies so I'm sure he'll get to see a lot of people he hasn't seen in a while.
Hmmm....m'kay I guess I've run out of nonsense to talk about today. Until tomorrow!

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