This week I'm going to share more about my pups and today we will start with Madison!

From the first hour I had Madison I knew she was going to be a little rascal. She settled herself right into this house the minute she walked in without the tiniest bit of concern about where she was. I call her Crazy Madison because----well she's crazy!!

Madison is a little barker. She barks at Ivy when Ivy takes something away from her--and keeps barking at her until she gets it back. Occasionally I can hear her barking when I come home and get out of my car. She's saying "hurry up and get in this house!!!" I usually wake up to her barking in the morning when she's up and ready to get out of the laundry room--about 7:30. When I'm getting her food ready in the morning she impatiently barks at me. She's a mess!!! Madison definitely communicates via barking. It makes me laugh most of the time because it's a cute little bark and it always comes in two's. I wouldn't mind though if we could tone it down just a touch!
Madison is also the most athletic of the bunch. She feels like she's full of muscles when you hold her and she weighs the most out of the girls. She always wins at a game of tackle and by far dominates during play time.

While Madison is crazy and barks and plays rough, she's also the sweetest of the bunch. Madison is a little lover!!!! She is always the most happy to see you (even if you're a stranger) and won't stop giving kisses.
Even though she's so anxious to get her food in the morning, she sits back and patiently watches the others eat first then she takes her turn when they're done.
Another uncharacteristic trait Madison posses is that she's terrified of other dogs! She likes Ivy and Grace and that's it. She will hide under the sofa or in my lap until the dog leaves. Loud noises scare her too.
The few times I've let the girls sleep with me Madison snuggles right up to me and doesn't leave that spot all night.

Madison's sweet little teddy bear face is so precious to me! I think her name fits her perfectly since she's kind of a tomboy. I feel like she would look totally out of place with a pink bow in her hair but super adorable with a Razorback jersey on!! A lot of people have asked me how I came up with the names and the answer is pretty simple. Scott named one and I named one. Madison is the name Scott chose.
Madison is a mess but I love her. I tend to have to apologize for her "playful" behavior sometimes but honestly, my dogs are well behaved and quite calm especially for being puppies.
Madison is so lovable and full of personality. She's a happy little puppy and definitely brings loads of entertainment to my life and I'm glad she's mine....even though she's crazy!
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