Monday, July 16, 2012


Sorry! I took a blogging break. The summer will do that to ya. Let's chat shall we?On Wednesday I headed to Little Rock to see my little buddy. He's here for the summer and I'm loving it! I, of course, took my girls so they could play with Grace. They love her and she loves them. When the girls first saw each other they were so excited they all let out a little tinkle. It's been a record breaking 2 weeks since they were together--way too long apparently......and we're the three best friends that anyone could have....It was rainy in Little Rock on Saturday so we saved the lake for Sunday. The forecast said it would be cloudy but Landon loves it so much so we decided to go anyway and it ended up being a beautiful day! All was fantastic until about 5 minutes after this photo was taken. As you can see, we were getting prepped for my water ski adventure. I got up and was gliding along when I decided to get out of the wake and boom!!!!!!!! The water was choppy and I totally busted and just like that, my Marc Jacobs sunglasses sunk to the bottom of DeGray. It made me sick. Not kidding, I couldn't even sleep last night. I tossed and turned reliving the moment that I literally felt them slide down my leg to the bottom of the lake never to be seen again. Try as I might, I couldn't save them. I hate myself for forgetting to take them off. I loved those sunglasses.
We haven't taken the girls on the boat yet but Grace is fully ready! Could you not eat her up!!
I came back home today with a few friends in tow! Landon, Mom and Grace are here!! Landon hasn't ever stayed with me before but I've always wanted him to. I already worry about my mothering though. I'm too OCD. I went to the grocery store to get stuff just for him. While picking out snacks I chose ones that wouldn't leave crumbs.
I've got a cool week planned for Landon and he's met some neighborhood kids his age and so far the day has been pretty awesome!

The girls got their first haircut today. More on that later.

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