Twenty Twelve: A Year In Review
January was fairly uneventful. Scott and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary here in town. Working for Sara Lee doesn't allow for much time to do anything but work for Sara Lee. Landon won a fun award at school and my days were mostly spent snuggling on the sofa with my precious little doodlebug.
February was about as uneventful as January. We got a tiny bit of snow and that was fun! I had a weekend getaway with my girlfriends at a cabin on Beaver but that was about it. At this point I was getting extremely stressed over my little baby and her age. I'm grateful I wasn't working so I could be with my precious (still spunky) pup all day, every day.
March was a fun month! Scott, Holly and I took a weekend getaway to Kansas City and we had a blast! In true form, Holly was a perfect travel companion and behaved beautifully! While we were in Kansas City Scott and I made an offer on our house! It was very exciting. Right when I got home from the trip I started packing our old house up. I was beyond ready to move.
April. Also known as the worst month of my life. April is when I had to say goodbye to my heart and soul. These photos were taken of Holly the week she died. The first one is of her waiting on me to finish washing her bed. She loved her bed!! That Friday we went to Little Rock for Easter and on Saturday morning she took a complete 180. I think she'd been holding out, waiting for her whole family to be together. Holly wanted to be with everyone she loved before she left us. The rest of April is a blur. It consisted of meltdowns, never getting out of bed, heart ache, never ending tears and anxiety. If you could see the tears running down my face right now you'd think it was still April. I still ache for my heart and soul.
May started a new chapter in our lives. God was truly looking after me with the timing of Holly's death. At the very beginning of May we moved into our new house! It was such an exciting time and moving was very distracting which was so helpful. Scott turned 28 and exactly a week later I turned 27. We spent a weekend in Hot Springs because Scott was a groomsman in a wedding. At the end of May the stork decided my heart needed some help so two twin girls showed up at my door!
June was spent getting to know my new little puppies and trying to train them in every way possible! It was fairly exhausting and stressful!! We also got another addition in the family--my parents new pup, Grace!! The three new little ones fell in love with each other from the beginning and will forever be the bestest of friends.
July. Sun, sun and more sun. It's crazy how much time I spent at my neighborhood pool all summer. I was able to read so many good books and get to know so many of my neighbors who I now call dear friends. I loved every second of my pool time and couldn't seem to get enough! I also lounged on DeGray lake with my family and Landon came to my house for a week to stay with me which was so much fun!
August began another chapter in our lives. Scott quit his job at Sara Lee to join the family business of building homes. Ivy and Madison were really starting to pull on my heart strings and Scott and I spent a weekend in a tiny little town in Illinois where he was in the wedding of one of our best friends! Oh I also got a job but that lasted about 3 minutes.
September equals football, football and more football! That's basically all it consisted of except at the end of the month when poor Ivy and Madison got spayed. It was traumatizing for them....and me.
October is always one of my favorite months. Along with football, the crisp weather starts to kick in and that makes me happy! My friends and I threw a wedding shower for my friend, Christina (and Jonathan) and Scott and I had a crazy good time at our neighbors Halloween party. My best friend, Jaclyn, shared the exciting news with me that she's going to be a mommy and Madison, Ivy and Grace looked ridiculously cute in their first Halloween costume. It was a good month!!
November was filled over obsession with the election, my dear friend getting married, and Thanksgiving with my family in Little Rock. After 6 months Ivy and Madison finally became 100% potty trained.
December started out in Las Vegas. Once we got home it was back into our typical routine. Scott and I became addicted to Homeland and spent the majority of our nights watching that show. I enjoyed decorating my new house for Christmas and my family came to me this year to share Christmas day together and I really enjoyed that. Grace, Madison and Ivy made Christmas day very entertaining and we got a nice dusting of snow even though it was 3 days late.
I must say 2012 has been my least favorite year. It's been very challenging. It's brought on a lot of heart ache, a lot of hurt, anxiety and tears. It hasn't all been horrible though! I do have two new little nuggets who I love and adore!! They have warmed my heart and helped fill a void like I didn't think anyone or anything ever could. I also live in a pretty new house that I love and have had so much fun decorating this year! In some ways I'm sad to see 2012 end since it was my last year with my sweet baby Holly. In most ways, however, I'm very ready to let it go.
Happy New Year everyone!
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