My parents (and Grace!) arrived at my house yesterday afternoon and I was so excited to see them! It's so different having Christmas at my house this year but I like it. Last night we stayed in, cooked and watched Homeland. I want my parents to be just as into it as Scott and I are!!
This morning we went to church then ate at Houlihans because their chicken tortilla soup is super delish and everyone needs to try it. After that we went to Pinnacle to show my parents the homes Scott and Randy are building. I don't know about you guys but I love looking at homes even if I'm not in the market to buy one. Scott is new to the home building business but I'm so impressed with what he's done. He has great taste! It's way annoying when he tries to contribute in decorating our house but I like seeing what he does with other people's homes.
When we finally got home we walked into a disaster. One of the little pups ate a glass ornament!!!! What dog does that? It was tied to a Christmas package and the package appeared in my bedroom with the ornament nowhere to be found except a few pieces here and there. We all freaked out and immediately began checking all of the girls. We got a paper towel and wiped their mouths to see if anyone had any cuts and examined them all over. We discovered nothing and all of them looked at us like, what?? None of them ever acted like anything was wrong so.....I dunno. I'm not used to dogs who do stuff like this. It leaves me completely baffled. Like, a glass Christmas ornament tasted good to you? Really? Really? What's wrong with them?
After that disaster I helped my Dad do a little last minute Christmas shopping for my Mom then we came home and chilled for the rest of the evening. Well, not all of us. I put Scott to work hanging pictures and curtains. I was so excited about these curtains I found for my office and after Scott spent about an hour trying to hang them I decided I don't like them. I'm so tired of decorating my house. I just want to hire someone to do it all for me. I'm over it and have been for months now.
My brother is in NYC right now with his brand new fiancee. He proposed to Jennifer today in Central Park and had a photographer there to document the whole thing. I was pretty impressed with him for thinking to do that all on his own. Kyle called Landon to tell him the news that he and Jennifer were getting married. Landon said "thats great Dad" then immediately told him how many presents he had counted for him that were under the Christmas tree. Ahh, the important things in life.
Congrats Kyle and Jenn!
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