I've had a wonderful Christmas holiday! Christmas day was so much fun. We woke up and cooked a big breakfast then we all opened Christmas presents. Ivy, Grace and Madison had so many presents to open and we were curious to know what they would do. Madison actually got the concept! She would open the present while the other two would watch and once the present was free from the paper they would each grab onto the new toy and run upstairs into "their playroom" to play with it until they decided it was time to unwrap another present. It was really cute! I sure did miss my sweet Holly this Christmas but I was grateful to have my 3 new girls to share the day with. They made it a lot of fun.
I didn't really want anything for Christmas. I asked for two things: A blanket for my bed and new hot rollers. And I got both! Plus a lot of other wonderful things too. Scott and I did presents for each other this year. We haven't done that in years and I really enjoyed it. I'm thinking we're going to have to buy presents for each other every year from now on.
We finished with our gift exchange around 11:00 then Mom and I retreated to the kitchen to start cooking. Mom saw this picture on Southern Living of this gorgeous cake that she decided she wanted to make for us. All was going well until it was time to frost the thing. It ended up being a mess and we could not stop laughing.
I put this picture on Facebook and I think some people thought that I thought it looked good. Ha!! The snowflakes do look awesome but the rest of it was just terrible!!! Even though it took forever to do and it didn't turn out so pretty it was worth the major belly laughs it gave all of us.
I checked the forecast every hour and looked out the window all day like a little kid hoping I would see a little flurry fall from the sky. I've never had a white Christmas and of course the first time I don't go to my parents house for Christmas Little Rock gets 48 inches of snow. UGH!!! One of these days I'll have a white Christmas....
Later Christmas evening Scott's Mom joined us for dinner and we had a great time and ate lots of delicious carbs! We always have Christmas lunch but I really enjoyed doing Christmas dinner this year. My vote is we keep doing it that way.
Since my parents came here for Christmas they are unable to get home. They were planning on leaving the day after Christmas but their house got about 11 inches of snow and they don't have any power. It's looking like they won't get any until Tuesday!!!!!!! Mom is fine hanging out here but my Dad is going crazy. He's so ready to get back to his home and the office. We're trying to come up with ways for him to stay entertained so we hopped in the car today and drove to Eureka Springs. We were only there for about 2 hours but we got a good taste of the cute little town and ate a great local lunch.
I had to get back to Rogers because I had another chiropractor appointment. I'm going to turn into one of those people who has to get "adjusted" every week. My hips felt so much better after last week but only by about 50%. I'm ready to get back to normal so I'm just going to keep going every week until they're 100% again. Mom came with me this time and got adjusted herself. She'd never been before either and really liked it. It's insane what a difference it makes. I'm a believer now.
I decided tonight that I'm going on a diet tomorrow. Yes I know it's Friday and the end of the year but I just can't wait until January 1st to start. I feel miserable!!! I'm going to be in a swimsuit in T-25 days and it's pretty essential that I lose 7 pounds. I'm going hard core. Fruits-Veggies-Meat-Only. I'm not even going to indulge in my delicious breakfast cappuccino that's only 150 calories that I enjoy so much and is my favorite part of my day while I sip it and watch Kelly and Michael and feel so happy while doing so. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get super tired of my ridiculously bland diet but hey, I can do anything for 25 days. I may allow myself a little room for cheating on NYE since I'm dining at Bordinos that evening but that's the only time. I hope I still feel this way in 9 days...
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