Monday, October 21, 2013


Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was great until Saturday night when I came down with a little cold. I woke up yesterday feeling pretty yuck and laid in bed all day long. Today I'm just so, so. I got a flu shot on Thursday and I'm fairly certain it gave me this cold. I'm not really a fan of the flu shot but I got it this year since I'm pregnant. I'm regretting it now. Anti flu shot is like, my one hippie thing.
In happier news, the trees that we planted in our backyard this spring are starting to turn bright red and they're so beautiful! I have a perfect view of them when I'm sitting on my sofa and I love staring at them.
Scott and I got Boo'ed last night. It's this thing my neighborhood does. Someone leaves candy and this sign on your door and you have to do the same to 2 other neighbors. It's fun! I need to run to Target and get some candy and cute sacks so I can keep the Boo going! That's about all that I have on my agenda for the day. I'm trying to lay low until I feel better.
Until tomorrow....

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