Monday, November 11, 2013

Fall at Crystal Bridges

Happy Monday everyone!! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Mine was very busy and didn't allow for much down time. Actually all last week was busy without much down time. I'm really looking forward to this week because I don't have a whole lot to do, mostly just fun stuff, and I'm excited about it.
On Saturday Scott and I woke up bright and early. We worked an event for my parents in Springdale and we were there all day long. This particular event was so, so busy so even though it was technically a long day, it actually went by pretty fast. Scott and I both mentioned that an hour would fly by and it felt like only 5 minutes.
On Sunday Scott and I went to church then spent the rest of the day with his Mom's side of the family. They live in St Louis and were in town visiting. We drove down to Fayetteville to eat at Catfish Hole, they came by our house to meet Ivy and Madison, then we spent the rest of the day at Crystal Bridges.
I love going to Crystal Bridges. It's so lovely and peaceful. I've been many times before but I honestly never get tired of it. We spent quite a bit of time browsing through the different art pieces then we had some coffee (hot chocolate for me) and walked the grounds a little bit. There was a little crisp in the air and it was a perfect fall day to be outdoors!
It was a great way to wrap up what was otherwise a chaotic and busy weekend and the perfect start to what will hopefully be a wonderful week!

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