Today I've been playing catch-up on sleep. I didn't even shower until 3:00 because I stayed in bed, in my pajamas, and slept when the little man did. I definitely feel better but I'm already dreading tonight. I used to love crawling in bed and turning in for the evening. One of these days I'll get the luxury of sleeping again but right now that seems SO far away!!!! I just love sleep so much. Sigh....
When Scott got home from work I took off for a little bit and went to Target and Fresh Market. It felt so good to be out! I took my sweet precious time and it was lovely. I was only gone for an hour and a half but I missed my baby boy while I was out! When I got back, Scott and I took Campbell and the girls for a walk around the neighborhood. It's such a beautiful day and we haven't used Campbell's stroller yet so today felt like the perfect day to do that. The girls and Campbell enjoyed their walk very much! So did I. It felt good to get out in the sunshine.
We may have to make evening walks a part of our daily routine. This weather is way too nice to stay cooped up indoors!
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