Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Week Two

Today was Scott's first full day back to work so the little man and I were on our own all day. It wasn't bad at all. I caught up on some stuff around the house and spent a lot of time shopping on the internet. I ordered a couple of preemie outfits for Campbell. I know he'll probably only be in them for another 2-3 weeks but I'm tired of seeing him in the same few things over and over! I didn't get an opportunity to take a nap today so I'm pretty sleepy. I'll definitely be in bed (and hopefully asleep) by 8:30. Bedtime comes early for me these days!
I spend a lot of time on my phone these days googling all things baby. After reading different sites and message boards, I've decided that I have a really good baby. I hate to even say that because I don't want to jinx anything! Campbell hardly ever cries, he sleeps a ton, and when he's awake he's always happy. Obviously I've never had a baby before so all newborns may be that way and it could change, but for now it sure is nice.
When Scott got home we gave bath time with Campbell another shot. I was dreading it but Scott suggested we submerge him in the water more than we did last time. Campbell LOVED it this time!!! It was hilarious. He was so, so happy and almost fell asleep. It made me so happy that he loved it so much. Now I can look forward to his baths instead of dread them.
These little nuggets have adjusted so well to their new little brother! Madison hardly notices a change and Ivy is very protective. Just as I predicted! I miss my mornings with just my girls though. Before Campbell arrived, I would wake up and give the girls their morning massages before we got our day started. I've still got my snugglers but unfortunately the massages don't happen as often anymore. They don't make me feel bad about it though! Sweet girls.
Campbell is 2 weeks old today! Time is already flying by!

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