Today we took Campbell to the doctor for his 4 month check-up. I've been dreading it because of the shots but the little peanut was such a trooper! He was very offended that he got poked (3 times!!!) but the second I picked him up he was okay. He didn't cry nearly has hard as he did last time, thank goodness.
Everything with our little guy is looking wonderful! He's still so tiny though. He weighed 12 pounds, 14 ounces which puts him in the 5th percentile. I was really hoping we would have made it up to the teens but oh well. His height looked great at 24.8 inches which puts him in the 25th percentile.
He was such a sweet little boy while we were there. He laughed for the ladies in the reception area (said it made their day!) and smiled at Dr Harvey while he was checking Campbell out from head to toe. He complimented Campbell on his neck control and how well he can bear weight on his legs. The things that make me proud these days! Haha!!
Campbell seems to be doing much better with his shots today than he did last time. He doesn't seem nearly as pitiful so that's good. My heart just broke for him after those 2 month shots. I think it's helped me this time around because I'm a little more prepared and know what to expect. So far, Campbell has been snoozing since we got home. Hopefully he'll just take a nice, long nap today and sleep it all off. My arms are ready and waiting for the all day cuddles though! Cuddles make everything better.
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