Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween 2015

We had a great Halloween! It was a little disappointing because it drizzled here all day long but we decided to power through and enjoy the festivities anyway. We started our day at the Bentonville square Trick or Treat event. We didn't stay a very long time because of the weather but we all had fun regardless!
After the square we grabbed some lunch then put Campbell down for a nap---actually we all took a nap! Once Campbell woke up we fed him some dinner then put his costume on so we could do some trick or treating around the neighborhood! I was worried that the drizzling rain would make it hard but we had so much fun I almost didn't even notice! I absolutely adored Campbell's costume this year. He was the cutest skunk I've ever seen!!!
I had a feeling that Campbell would really love trick or treating but I wasn't prepared for him to completely get the concept. After the first house, he was a pro! I was dying on the inside at his trick or treating cuteness. He walked up to the house, picked out some candy, put it in his bucket then turned around and yelled "dyyyeeee!!!!" (bye) as he headed off to the next stop. I was in Halloween heaven watching him. He couldn't get enough and I couldn't either! He looked adorable walking around in his little skunk costume and he was having so. much. fun. I wasn't prepared for how much fun I would have watching him trick or treat around the neighborhood. It is seriously the best Halloween I've ever experienced!
We trick or treated with Avery and Emmy and it made it even more fun! They all three looked so cute in their little Halloween Costumes!

And of course we didn't leave our girls out!!! They dressed up as fairies this year and they looked so precious! Madison, Ivy and Grace aren't real sure what to think about the whole concept of Halloween. Putting on costumes and constantly having people knock on their doors is a little much but I think they enjoy the excitement of it.

Scott and I can't stop talking about how much fun we had with Campbell tonight. He truly trick or treated around the neighborhood and watching him love it so much was an absolute blast for me. I will always remember it! I knew Campbell would enjoy the Halloween festivities but I didn't expect him to truly participate in it all. I know I sound like a broken record but it was just so, so fun!
Best. Halloween Ever.

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