Hello third trimester! It's crazy to be here. I was thinking to myself earlier this week "four more months and baby Bennett will be here!! Oh...wait.....three months. Woah!" Time is getting away from me. I'm getting more and more anxious to meet this little guy. Here's this weeks update.
Size of Baby: Two pounds and 14.5 inches long, about the weight of an acorn squash.
How I'm Feeling: I feel good! I have moments where my belly hurts and I have to drop everything I'm doing and just sit. Hot baths always make me feel better when I'm hurting but thankfully that doesn't happen too often. I feel like I just have a few more weeks to feel good then it's all going to go downhill. At least that's how it went with Campbell. We'll see how baby B treats me.
Cravings/Appetite: BBQ is officially off the table which is a shame because this southern girl loves BBQ. Scott pointed out that my pregnancy craving this time has without a doubt been cinnamon rolls and I've never thought about it before but he's totally right. I have been slightly obsessed with cinnamon rolls these past few months!
Clothes: Nothing new here either. There are a few button down tops that I can't wear but otherwise everything else in my closet fits. I find myself wearing certain things that I know I won't be able to wear in a few weeks. Eventually I feel like I get limited to Piko tops and I get tired of wearing them over and over.
Movement: I guess Bennett didn't like that I told everyone last week that he doesn't move very much because he's made up for it a million times over this week. He literally woke me up around 3 am this morning because he was moving so much and being so forceful. In my sleepy haze, I couldn't believe how strong his movements were. Its like he was pushing his feet against my belly with all of his might to see if he could bust outta there.
Changes in Me: I think Bennett had a big growth spurt this week which could explain why I've been feeling him move a lot more. My belly seems a lot bigger this week than it did last week.
Baby Purchases: Right before I started writing this post I got on Freshly Picked and ordered some itty bitty moccasins. I've been wanting to order one of my favorite colors, Birch, for months and months now and they finally restocked them this week. Big brother Campbell got some to match. :)
Favorite Moment This Week: Those big movements in the middle of the night/early this morning were pretty cool. It would be hard to top that. I think I'll remember it forever. It was such a surprise and nothing is more amazing than the fact that I have a baby living in my belly right now. It's the most miraculous thing in the world and I will never get over how cool it is and how grateful I am to be able to experience this wonderful blessing.
Looking Forward To: A fun weekend! My parents are here for work but they have some down time and we're going to be able to hang out a lot. Campbell has a birthday party to go to tomorrow and I know he'll have so much fun. Overall, just a nice weekend with family. Can't beat that.
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