Fall is in full force here in NWA and it's beautiful! I just want to take photos all day long. I got this photo of Campbell last week and I love it. That orange tree in the back is a show stopper!!
I'm obsessed with fall trees maybe even more so than the average person. I spent 10 minutes of my life last night watching a Facebook video about which trees give off the best fall colors. Come to think of it....I have a slight obsession with trees in general. It's weird maybe?
This little guy got his 6 month shots yesterday plus a flu shot. He has been miserable ever since. He handles getting the actual shots like a champ but he is so sensitive to them. His little legs get so tender and he just does not act like himself. I took him to MDO today and told them he had his shots and he always reacts pretty rough to them. They called me at 11:30 and said he was not acting like himself and they could tell he was pretty miserable so I picked him up early. One of the ladies said she barely brushed his leg against something and he just screamed out as if in pain. My poor baby!! Campbell never reacted bad to his shots but Bennett definitely struggles. I'm hoping he feels better tomorrow.
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