Height: 25.6 inches (11%)
Sleep: Bennett sleeps 12 straight hours--7:00-7:00. He takes 2.5 naps a day. I think he would take just 2 naps a day if we weren't on the go so much. Bennett sleeps on his tummy now and loves to snuggle against his bumpers.
Eat: Still exclusively breastfed! Bennett nurses 5 times a day. Last week I introduced solids into his diet which he gets at breakfast and dinner. He seems to like this new food he's getting to eat!
Clothes: Size 3-6 month clothes and Kickee Pants pajamas. Size newborn Freshly Picked Moccs.
Diapers: Size 2 Pampers Swaddlers and Size 3 Pampers Overnight Diapers.
Likes: Toys, his paci, bath time, playing with his feet, cuddles, smiling, his brother.
Dislikes: Clothes going over his head.
Milestones: Bennett is starting to roll a lot. When he's on the floor, he pulls his knees under his belly in an attempt to inch worm his way around. Bennett is pretty close to being able to sit without support--he's definitely getting stronger! He is getting really good at sticking his paci in his mouth by himself. Bennett turns towards sounds and I think he's beginning to recognize his own name.
Month Six: Bennett was introduced to solids this month. He discovered a love for toys that light up and play music! I think Bennett may be a snuggler with a blanket or a lovie as he gets older. He cuddles with his sleep sack and holds it in his hands at night and he also snuggles up against his bumpers. I would adore if he was attached to a blanket or lovie eventually. I think it's the sweetest thing!
All About Bennett: I cannot believe that Bennett is 1/2 a year old! He is still the absolute sweetest, easiest and most precious little angel baby in the whole world. I kiss him a million times a day and tell him how sweet he is constantly. We are all obsessed with our little "Boo" and time is flying by with our littlest baby boy.
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