Well I wasn't able to blog about my Mothers Day yesterday due to computer difficulties so it looks like I'm a day late on this but better late than never! My Mother's Day was lovely. I slept in (almost too long) then got dressed and headed to church. I was so thankful that my parents were able to come up on Saturday night because we dedicated Bennett at church on Sunday. They were working all day Saturday but made the journey just for Bennett and I'm grateful they made it and also that I was able to see my mom on Mothers Day! Our dedication for Bennett was very similar to Campbell's. Campbell joined us and he did great! He was excited to be on stage and he stood there really still and quiet while the entire dedication took place. We were asked to choose a life verse for Bennett (we did the same for Campbell) and I didn't have to think hard on it at all. I knew the perfect verse for Bennett would be Colossians 2:6-7 "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." My greatest prayer for my kids is that they put their faith, hope and trust in the Lord and follow Him all the days of their life. It was a special moment for our family to dedicate our Bennett back to the Lord and I hope he will always hold tight to the special verse we chose for him.
After church, we went back home for a yummy meal. We didn't want to fight the lunch crowds but also didn't want to cook so we got a big dish of Chicken Scampi from Olive Garden to enjoy at home! I made banana pudding and we all sat around the table for food and fellowship. Shortly after lunch my parents had to head back home (very short trip for them) and once everyone left, I told Scott I wanted to get out of the house and have some ME time!! I didn't really have anything that I wanted to do but it was a beautiful day outside so I went to the mall and took my sweet time doing whatever I wanted for however long I wanted to do it.
Mothers Day ranks high up there in my favorite holiday category. Not because it's a day about me or moms but because it makes me extra thankful to be a mom. I have what I always dreamed about and prayed about and I feel like the luckiest girl to be able to hold these two sweet boys in my arms. Yes my job is SO HARD but I absolutely love it. My life was so boring before these babies entered it and I wouldn't change a thing....even though I'm really tired a lot and never get to eat my meal in one sitting. My boys are my world and I adore being their Mommy. I'm also so thankful for my own mother who is my best friend and always has been. My boys love their Gamma and I love her too.
Sounds like the most perfect day and I love his verse. 💜