Monday, July 10, 2017

The Joys of Blogging

A question I get asked frequently is why I started blogging. I've had this blog for almost 9 years now and have consistently written this entire time. I started the blog when I was living in Memphis. I was bored so I thought it would be fun and something to do. Social media was so different back then too and I think a lot more people blogged because Facebook and Instagram weren't really what they are today. Honestly, when I started the blog I didn't really know what I was doing. I just wrote posts about my life and didn't put much thought into it. I had never been a big blog reader before and didn't gain inspiration for anyone or anything. I just wrote. I had always written in a diary and this was basically just an online diary. I didn't spill as much private details, of course, but it was an easier and quicker way to write things down about what all was going on in my life. I was wedding planning and we were living in a different city and a lot was happening that I wanted to write down. It wasn't until a few months (maybe even a year) later that I realized people were actually reading it. And not just my close friends and family, but people that I didn't know or people I barely knew. Almost nine years later and I'm still here, writing about my simple little life and people are still reading. I always say that even if nobody read my blog I would still blog. I do this for me. I would love to figure out a way to get my blog made into a book. I know it can be done, I haven't looked into it much, but some day I would love to have this in print. Just a few copies to have for myself and my kids.
Scott asked me just last week if I'll blog forever and I laughed and said no. I don't know when I'll stop, I don't have plans to anytime soon, but I know I won't blog forever. Keeping up with my blog is actually very time consuming but it's worth it to me, for now. I can see eventually wanting to spend the time on other things but for now I plan to keep going for who knows how long!
Blogging is great because I have so much of my life documented for me to look back on. It's great for so many other things too. I've made so many friends from blogging. Girls that have reached out to let me know they read my blog and then we've gotten to know one another and have become real friends. I love that! I've had a lot of neat opportunities that I wouldn't have had if it weren't for blogging. Fun stuff, exciting stuff. It's really cool sometimes what happens simply because of this blog.
I very clearly remember setting up my blog. I had zero idea that what I was doing then would be what it is now or that I would still be blogging almost nine years later. It's been such a joy to blog and if I had the choice to do it all over again, or not do it, I would absolutely do it! I love sharing about our little life here. There isn't much to it, and sometimes I feel like I'm being really boring, but you still stick around and for that I say thank you!


  1. I love your blog and so happy you have it. Been fun seeing the boys grow and following along on Facebook. Blogs bring friendships and I love that!! 😊💜

    1. Yes I'm glad we've become friends!!! 💞

  2. My blog is just pictures of my kids, so it is definitely my version of scrapbooking/photo album. I print it year by year; however, I still haven't printed 2016. Ha! On the front I include our family picture from our Christmas card. I use Blog2Print, and they are great quality!

    1. Someone else told me about blog2print. I'll have to look into it! Thank you!!! 💛
