Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Favorite and Least Favorite Times of Day

What is your favorite part of your day and your least favorite part of your day?
My favorite part of my day is morning, even though I'm not a morning person. I love how happy and excited my boys are to see me every morning. It makes me smile so big even though I'm barely awake yet. I love the quiet and calmness of the mornings and making my boys a yummy breakfast. Once the boys finish eating, I make myself a big cup of cappuccino. We go in the playroom and I sit on the sofa and watch Good Morning America while I sip on my coffee and the boys play. I also like to leave my phone in my bedroom until 9:00 so I'm not starting my day by looking at it. It's just a nice time of day and I've always enjoyed it. I'm soaking it up while I can because I'm sure once my boys are in school, mornings will be my least favorite time of the day and I'll feel frantic trying to get out of the house in time!!
My least favorite part of my day is around 4:00. It's almost time for me to start cooking dinner (we eat around 5:00/5:30) and by this time, I'm spent. The house feels chaotic for some reason. I'm trying to cook dinner, the boys are usually hangry and I'm so ready for some help from my husband so I'm anxiously counting down until he's finished working. By this time I'm really looking forward to the kids bedtime so I can have some peace for a few hours until I go to bed. It's just a hard time and I don't think I'm the only one who probably feels this way!
So what about you? What is your favorite and least favorite part of your day? Leave it in the comments!


  1. So mine differ depending on weekday/weekend since I work full time outside the home. Weekday I do enjoy mornings as I walk my dog but with it getting darker that will end soon as I dislike walking her in the dark due to skunks lurking. I enjoy leaving work best though. Sometimes mornings are my least fav once at work as they tend to drag some days. Weekends I love napping in the afternoon (try and catch up on some sleep), least fav is Sunday evenings. I remember very clearly the 4:00 pm witching hour of my days with toddlers though. Definitely least fav time of day back then.

    1. Oh yes, when I worked outside the home, leaving work was the best!!
