We are about 3 weeks out from moving into our house as long as everything continues going the way it's going. I need to start packing boxes (forgot to add that to my to-do list) but I am definitely procrastinating on that. We are hiring movers but I want to pack all of the boxes myself so it will be done right. Type A, clearly. I have actually started packing some of the boys toys up and I've decided to label each box not just for what room it should go in but also in detail and write exactly what is in there. I think this will be helpful when I'm trying to unpack and look for specific items. I am totally dreading moving but my Mom is going to come up for a whole week and watch the boys so I can focus on the move and get my house organized. We are moving the week of Campbell's birthday. Which just reminded me that I need to go down to Ricks in Fayetteville and order his birthday cake on Thursday. So let's add that to the to-do list too. (It's fine, I'm fine, everything is fine.)
Scott and I keep wondering what these two are going to think about the move. I think they'll love their new house! There will be so many construction workers to bark at across the street so that will be very fun for them I'm sure. We got Ivy and Madison less than 8 weeks after we moved into this house so they have been here just as long as we have. Sweet girls. They have no idea what's about to happen but once boxes start getting packed Ivy's anxiety will start kicking in and she'll know something is up! Ha!
I'm really hoping the boys won't have to deal with adjusting to the move. I think they'll be okay but I can't help but worry just a little about that. Bennett will have the exact same room situation but Campbell is getting a brand new big boy room (need to order all of that stuff....another mark on the to-do list) so his surroundings will be extra new. Regardless, I know they will love their new playroom so if nothing else, there's that.
Since my to-do list keeps getting larger I'm feeling the need to hop off here and work on it. At 10:40 PM. See you back here tomorrow!
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