I feel like I haven't done a simple little update on life post lately. As a blogger I struggle between feeling like I have/need to write posts on specific topics like food, fashion, beauty, interior, etc. and attach pretty photos to go along with it. But sometimes my favorite photos aren't anything fancy and my favorite topics are what my kids and dogs are up to. So that's what I'm going to talk about today!
I ordered birthday invitations for Campbell's 4th birthday party last night. Mind blown. How is he almost four years old?? I've slowly started building up Campbell's spring wardrobe and I always order 4T shirts. Every time they come in the mail I'm prepared for them to be huge but nope. They fit just right. Crazy how big he's getting (and tall too). I really enjoy Campbell. He's very pleasant to be around. He currently loves Peppa Pig and Ben and Holly's Magic Little Kingdom. Of course Paw Patrol is always a top contender. Campbell loves to work puzzles and help me cook. He LOVES school and we have been blessed with THE BEST pre-school teacher this year. Bennett has amazing MDO teachers too. Overall, a great "school" year with seriously awesome teachers for both of my boys.
Bennett is a mess. He makes me laugh and smile constantly because he is such a stinker. He's very different than Campbell was at this age. Bennett is a little talker. He tries very hard to repeat any word we ask him to repeat and he does a great job of it too! Bennett, like Campbell, has to start his morning with a smoothie. Scott makes them before we even get the boys out of bed so we can hand them the smoothie the second they come down the stairs. Otherwise Bennett will lose his mind and cry until it's ready. Bennett is obsessed with his paci ("daci") and usually has one in his mouth and one under his arm. It's going to be a rough ride when he take it away from him in a few months (Giving it until he's two then going cold turkey!!). Bennett's favorite thing, other than his paci, is Mickey. He also loves canned veggies. Haha!
Our home is moving right along!! I took this photo a week ago today and it has already changed so much. They are currently in the throws of painting the interior so I haven't gone in there in a while. I cannot handle the fumes. I went in there when they first got started and had the worst headache for the rest of the day so I figure it's just best to stay out. We're moving in around this time next month, give or a take some days, as long as everything stays on track the way it is now. I cannot believe how quickly it's approaching. They'll finish up with the paint probably mid-week next week then the granite, plumbing and electrician guys will all be in there. After all of that we'll finish up some tile then install the hardwood and finally carpet. One that gets in we'll clean it up and we'll move into our new home. Crazy. I had a moment yesterday where I realized I only have about a month left in my current house and it was a strange feeling.
Earlier this morning we met with our landscaper to discuss plans for our yard and it made me excited! I love landscaping and gardening so this is an area that's really important to me. I'm scared I'm going to choose the wrong plants and trees but I've been thinking about this for over a year so hopefully I'm taking it in the right direction! I'm honestly SO tired of making decisions. We're still having to pick out some things and I just want someone else to start doing it for me. I mean, I had to pick out my doorbell which is just another one of those tiny little items that you don't think about having to actually pick out but someone, in fact, does pick out the doorbell! Scott and I both are very much looking forward to moving in so we don't have to pick anything out anymore!! We may have to get a couple of bottles of champagne and celebrate being done with decisions the day we move in!
I love Campbell's Range Rover ;)