Size of Baby: Almost 7 ounces and 5.5 inches long. About the size of a bell pepper.
How I'm Feeling: Such a tricky question these days. On the one hand I feel a million times better than I have been but on another hand I'm just so blah. My belly is stretching and it's very uncomfortable. It's also so big and already getting in my way. My back is slowly beginning to bother me and last night I took my first prevacid because by the end of the day, I feel like I have reflux. I'm trying to embrace this pregnancy because it is without a doubt the last time I will be pregnant but I'm also just so ready for this to be over with so I can go back to feeling like a normal person again.
Cravings/Appetite: I definitely have my appetite back but I am eating a lot more than I do when I'm not pregnant--which makes me feel guilty--but I just can't help it. I try to be good but I get so nauseous if I don't eat carbs, especially for breakfast. I am stressing about gaining excess weight but I'm also trying to give myself grace. I mean, I am pregnant after all. I never worried about weight gain with my previous pregnancies and I didn't even cross the 20 pound weight gain mark with my other boys. I don't know why I'm so concerned this time.
Clothes: Enjoying all of my loose, flowy dresses before fall gets here!
Movement: Oh my goodness yes. He's moving as I type this! I can't believe how much I feel him move and how strong he is. I tell Scott that I'm convinced he's bigger than he's supposed to be because of his big movements and also because of my big belly. That's what I'm telling myself anyway! He moves so big, Scott is able to feel him! It's crazy. I wasn't even able to feel Bennett move at this point in my pregnancy with him. Although he just wasn't much of a mover in general. This little guy is like his biggest brother, Campbell, and he moves all the time.
Changes in Me: I said this last week but my belly is just so big. When I compare it to my pregnancy with Bennett, it looks the same but it is just so crazy to me how big it already is. I also think it seems so big because it has really grown so much just in the last few weeks. I went from zero to huge overnight it feels like.
Baby Purchases: Kickee Pants dropped their newest fall line last Friday and if you know me and my love for Kickee, you know I couldn't resist. I got baby brother some newborn footies and big brothers the pajamas to match. Be still my heart.
Favorite Moment This Week: Scott being able to feel the baby move.
Looking Forward To: Fall. The temps have gone back up to the 90's here the last few days and I cannot deal. It literally made me feel sick to walk around outside with the boys in this heat last week. I can't imagine how women feel who are much farther along than me! I need it to start cooling down stat because I'm clearly not meant to be pregnant during the hot months. Thankful for my early spring/winter babies for sure!!
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